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LINE Quick Start

JQ Lee Updated by JQ Lee

To connect LINE, a LINE Official Account is required. Read our guide to create a LINE Official Account.
LINE logo

LINE is a popular messaging app in Asia, with over 800 million users. This LINE Official Account integration lets you respond to messages directly from our platform.

If you do not have a LINE Official account, proceed with Creating the LINE Official Account.
If you have a LINE Official account, proceed with Configuring the LINE Official Account.

Creating the LINE Official Account

Step 1: Go to this page and sign up for a LINE Official account

LINE Business ID Sign Up Page

Step 2: Click Create LINE official account and fill up the required information.

LINE Business Account Creation Page

Configuring the LINE Official Account

Once you have your LINE Official Account ready, you may start configuring LINE Official Account.

Step 1: Sign in to the LINE Official Accounts Platform using your LINE account credentials.

LINE Business ID Sign Up Page

Step 2: Go to Settings > Select Messaging API from the side navigation menu > Click Enable Messaging API.

LINE Account Enable Messaging API gif

Step 3: Use your LINE account to link or register a Developer account.

Step 4: Enter a Provider name or select an existing Provider.

Configuring the LINE Official Account

Step 5: Add the link to your business's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. This is optional, so you can skip it if you don't have this information.

Step 6: Click OK to save changes. You will need the Channel info to connect your LINE Official accounts to the platform.

LINE Messaging API Page

Step 7: Navigate to Response Settings > enable Webhooks. Once you have configured your LINE Official account, you are ready to connect your LINE Official account to the platform.

LINE Response Settings
Important information: If you have the Chat and Webhooks toggles turned on at the same time, messages sent from the Line Developers Console will not be reflected on the platform due to the channel's limitation.

Connecting the LINE Official Account

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on How to Connect LINE to

Before you move to this step, ensure you've made and set up a LINE Official account.

In order to connect to a LINE Official account, you will need the following:

  • LINE Channel ID
  • LINE Channel Secret
  • LINE Channel Access
  • Webhook URL provided by platform

Step 1: Go to Settings > Channels

Step 2: Click Add Channel > LINE > Connect

Step 3: Follow the instructions under Configure Channel > Tick the checkbox and click Next

Step 4: Follow the instructions under Get Channel Information > Next

Step 5: Under Enable Webhooks, set Webhook URL on the platform. Add the URL to LINE Official Accounts Platform and save it.

Step 6: Click Save Changes to complete the setup.

Once you've completed the setup, any messages sent to your LINE Official Account will now be received in your Workspace.
Once the Channel is connected, scan the QR code to send a test message and make sure everything is working properly.

Channel Configuration

LINE channel can be configured with a unique channel name.

Step 1: Click Settings > Channels

Step 2: Locate the LINE Channel > click Manage

Step 3: In the LINE Configuration page you will see the following configurations:

  • Chat Link - A click-to-chat link is a shortened URL that directs customers to start or continue a conversation with your LINE account. You can share this link to refer customers to a new or existing thread, based on whether the user has previously messaged your LINE account. You can also generate a QR code to share the chat link to your Contacts.
  • Channel Name - The Channel Name can be changed and is used internally to identify the Channel.
  • Channel Secret - Channel access tokens as a means of authentication for Channels.

Step 4: Click Save Changes to update the Channel configuration

Ensure the details are correct for messages to be received successfully in your LINE account.
For the other details, take extra note while updating as it might fail to receive messages from your LINE Official Account.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

You need to have the app installed on your mobile device or desktop to use the generated link.
  1. In your Workspace, go to Settings > Channels > Manage > Select your connected LINE Channel > Configure.
  2. Copy the Chat Link shown.

What should I do if I encounter the error message You have reached your monthly limit?

If you encountered this error message, it means that you have reached the limits of free broadcasts or messages that can be sent within a month according to your LINE Official Account plan. If you are on the Communication plan, follow these steps to upgrade your plan and increase your message limit. If you are already on a subscription plan, you can increase your messaging limits in the LINE Official Account Manager.

What should I do if I encounter an error stating that my response mode has been changed?

Kindly disable the Auto-reply messages option for your account. Here's how to do this:

  1. Go to the LINE Developers website here.
  2. Log in to your account > Select the Channel from the list.
  3. Go to the Messaging API tab > Scroll down to the Auto-reply messages option.
  4. Click Edit > Change the option to Disabled.
Auto-reply messages option

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LINE Overview

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