Table of Contents

Account info (previously General)

JQ Lee Updated by JQ Lee

Getting Here

This setting is accessible by Organization Admins, Billing Admins and User Admins only!

This setting can be accessed from the Settings navigation menu under the Organization Settings sub-menu item, Account info.

Editing Organization Information

The Organization's information can only be edited by the Organization Admin. Billing Admins and User Admins can only view an Organization's information.

Step 1: Navigate to Organization Settings

Go to Settings from the side navigation menu.

Step 2: Make necessary changes

You can make changes to the following information:

  • Organization Name
  • Organization Phone Number
  • Website
Bear in mind that this information is used for internal reference only.

Granting View-Only Access to Our Team for Support

If you need help on our platform, you can turn on the toggle Grant team to access account for support. This gives our team view-only access to your account to provide technical assistance. They cannot modify, edit, or alter your data and you can revoke this access at any time.

Feeling stuck? Do not fear.

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Organization Overview

Admin Settings (previously Users)

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