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Workspace Settings: Channels

Susan Swier Updated by Susan Swier

Getting Here

This setting is only accessible to Owners and Managers!

The Channels page can be accessed from theĀ SettingsĀ menu > under Workspace SettingsĀ > by selectingĀ Channels. Channels connected to this Workspace are listed here. Each listed Channel has its own set of menu options.

Tip: Use the šŸ” at the top to quickly find the Channel you are looking for.

On this page, you can:

Connect a Channel

Only Owners can connect Channels to the Workspace.

To connect a new Channel, click the Add Channels button on the Channels page. Then, click the Connect button on the Channel thumbnail. For more information on adding new Channels, take a look at the Messaging Channels page.

Managing Channels

To manage a Channel, click Manage on the Channel's thumbnail. Each Channel provides a different set of functions and the functions:

Configure a Channel

Edit the configurations of the Channel as necessary. For example, change the Channel name, which is how the Channel is referred to internally on the platform.

Additional options will also be available depending on the Channel-specific options. Click Save Changes once done.

Deleting a Channel

To delete an existing Channel, click the Delete Channel button and follow the instructions on the screen. Doing so removes the Channel from your Workspace. Contacts will not be deleted but they can not be contacted via the deleted Channel.

Be careful while deleting a Channel from your Workspace. When a Channel is deleted, all its configurations will also be deleted and this cannot be undone.
Deleting a Facebook, WhatsApp, or Telegram Channel will not remove your Contacts or chat history. For more details on each Channel, please refer to the specific FAQs:
- Facebook Messenger
- WhatsApp
- Telegram

Acquiring Contacts from Facebook

You can send private replies to users who comment on a post on your page to make them Contacts on

Creating a Chat Menu

You can create a persistent chat menu on your facebook page. This menu is always visible and can include key business features like business hours, locations, and products in a Messenger conversation. When a user selects an item, you have 24 hours to respond via the messaging window.

To add a chat menu, click Add Button and select an option from the menu that opens.




A payload option directly sends a message with the button name as the message text. On the platform, the specified payload value will be received instead. The payload value is useful for creating specific Triggers for Automations.


A URL option sends the contact to the specified URL field when pressed. The webpage will be opened in a new tab.

Provide the information in the fields that display and click Save Menu when you are done.

You can always rearrange buttons by clicking and dragging them around using the rearrange icon button on the left.

To delete unwanted buttons, simply press the delete button šŸ—‘.

Some Channels limit the number of buttons displayed. Once the limit is reached, you can't add more buttons.
Allowing User Input

Some Channels have an option to disable user input. If you wish to restrict users to only using the chat menu options to interact with you, uncheck theĀ Allow User InputĀ option.

Unchecking this option will remove the chat message bar and prevent your audience from composing and sending their own messages.

It is recommended that you keep the Allow User Input checkbox selected, as disabling it restricts interaction with your audience.


If you are having issues with Channels on the platform, e.g., no incoming messages even though Channel is connected, click the Troubleshoot link of the channel and follow the instructions provided.

Issues with Channels like Facebook and WeChat can be resolved quickly by just pressing Refresh Permission in the Channel Troubleshooting.

Find out more information on messaging channels with the link below:

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