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Organization Overview

JQ Lee Updated by JQ Lee

What is an Organization on

An Organization is a collection of Users who belong to a group or company and share a subscription. On the platform, an Organization owns the subscription, Users and Workspaces.

An Organization can have one or many Users. Users can belong to multiple Organizations by invitation. For a better workforce, there are different roles within an Organization that allows Users to perform different functions. Refer here to learn more about organization roles.

Creating an Organization

The Organization can only be created during a User's sign-up. A User can only create one Organization. If you require more than one Organization, contact us here.

Step 1: Register for a new account using this guide.

Step 2: Once you’ve completed the registration and verification of your email, navigate to the platform and sign in with the registered user account.

Step 3: Upon the first sign-in, the platform will prompt the you to create an Organization. Fill in the required information. The information will be used for internal reference only.

Creating an organization
Once the details are submitted and the Organization is created, a new Workspace is automatically created with a default name provided by the platform.
Workspace overview

Accessing Organization Settings

Organization settings can only be accessed by Organization Admins, Billing Admins and User Admins. Organization members cannot access organization settings as they do not have the privileges to make changes to an Organization.
Mobile compatible views might not display Organization settings to administrators. Please make sure it is being viewed in "Desktop Mode" or directly from a desktop browser for the best experience.
Organization settings

Organization settings can be accessed via the Settings module. Refer to the respective tab for more information:

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Organization Settings: General

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