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Vonage WhatsApp

JQ Lee Updated by JQ Lee

Starting July 22nd, 2024, you won't be able to connect this Channel to the platform. To continue using WhatsApp on, we recommend migrating to WhatsApp Business Platform (API) to enjoy higher reliability, lower costs, and access to new features.
Vonage Logo

In addition to providing SMS services, Vonage is also an API provider that works directly with WhatsApp as an official partner. Vonage also provides other services such as phone number purchases and WhatsApp Official API account management.‌

By integrating Vonage WhatsApp API, the platform can enable you to respond to WhatsApp messages directly.

This channel has a limited 24-hour messaging window due to WhatsApp regulations. Find out more here!

Channel Configuration

Vonage WhatsApp channel can be configured with a unique channel name.

Step 1: Navigate to Workspace Settings > Click Channels.

Step 2: Locate the Vonage WhatsApp Channel > Click Manage > Configuration.

Step 3: Make the necessary configuration for the following fields

  • Channel Name - Name used internally to identify the account.
  • WhatsApp Business Account ID - This is required to sync and submit Message Templates. Contact your Vonage Customer Solution Architect to get this credential.
  • User Access Token - This is required to sync and submit Message Templates. Contact your Vonage Customer Solution Architect to get this credential.
Take extra caution when updating other credentials as changing these credentials may cause failure in receiving or sending messages from your Vonage WhatsApp account.

Step 4: Click Save Changes to update the Channel configuration.

Metadata Received by Channel

Different channels provide different set of Contact’s metadata to platform. Here’s the list of Contact’s data you’ll be able to obtain from this channel:

  • Phone number
  • Profile name

Managing WhatsApp Message Templates

Before sending a Template Message to a Contact on the platform, ensure you did the following:
- Submitted the message template for approval
- Added the approved message template to the Space by syncing the message template

Submitting Message Templates

Step 1: Navigate to Workspace Settings > Click Channels.

Step 2: Locate the Vonage WhatsApp Channel > Click Manage.

Step 3: Click Templates > Submit Template to submit a message template for approval.

Step 4: Fill in the required information

Fill in the information needed to create a template.




Name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ )


The category to which the message template belongs to.


The language that the template is written in.

Step 5: Create the message by filling in the necessary components, then review the message in the preview section. You may include parameters {{1}}, {{2}}, etc. as placeholders to be filled in with personalized content.

Building Block



The Header is optional and serves as the title or header of your template. It supports the following:

  • Text
  • Image
  • Video
  • Document


The Body should contain the most important text of your template. Only text is supported.

You may use markdown to format the content of this block.


The Footer only supports text and can be used to provide less relevant information in your template message.


The button adds interactivity to your templates. There are two main types.

  • Quick Reply Button
    • Used for getting quick answers from your client
    • Max 3 Quick Reply Buttons per Template
    • Each Quick Reply cannot have more than 20 characters
  • Call to Action Button
    • Used to send your client to a Website or call a Phone Number
    • Max one URL and Phone Number per Template
    • URL can have a parameter for personalization

Step 6: Provide sample value

This is only applicable if you have included any parameters in your message template content.

Providing sample values to the parameter in the message template will assist the review to understand the message you are trying to send to your Contacts.

Syncing Message Templates

Before syncing Template Message on the platform, ensure you did the following:
- Added WhatsApp Business Account ID and User Access Token in the channel configuration dialog.

Step 1: Navigate to Channel Settings

From Settings module, navigate to the menu item, Channels.

Step 2: Locate the Vonage WhatsApp channel

Once you've located the Vonage WhatsApp channel, click Templates.

Step 3: Sync Templates

Click Sync Templates to begin the syncing process.

Step 4: Syncing Completed

When the synchronization has been completed, the message templates will be listed with their corresponding status and the last synced date time will be updated. The rejection reason will be displayed underneath the rejected message template.




The message template is submitted and pending approval.


The message template is approved and can be sent to contacts.


The message template is rejected and cannot be used.

You may use the search and filter at the top right corner of the listing to find your templates easier.

Rate Limits

A rate limit is the number of API calls an app or user can make within a given time period defined by the channel. Learn more about the rate limits for this channel here.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Inability to Send and Receive Messages

If you're encountering issues sending and receiving messages, we recommend you to check the application version of your Vonage application.

Step 1: Navigate to Vonage and sign in with your Vonage user credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to your Application and click on edit. Verify if you have selected v1 and Inbound URL: under the Messages section. If it's not, proceed to update it and save changes.

Message status is not updated

If you're encountering issues with message status is not updated, we recommend you to check the Status URL of your Vonage application.

Step 1: Navigate to Vonage and sign in with your Vonage user credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to your Application and click on edit. Verify if your Status URL is under the Messages section. If it's not, proceed to update it and save changes.

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