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Google Business Messages Quick Start

Susan Swier Updated by Susan Swier

On July 31, 2024, Google will deprecate Google Business Messages and you will no longer be able to send or receive messages.

Starting July 1, 2024, Contacts won't be able to start new conversations while existing conversations can continue until July 15, 2024.

We recommend moving your customer conversations to an alternative Channel like the WhatsApp Business Platform (API) to continue engaging with your Contacts. Learn more about WhatsApp here.
Google Business Messages logo

Getting a Google Business Messages account

To connect to a Google Business Messages Channel you will need a Google Business profile.

Connecting to Google Business Messages

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on How to Connect Google Business Messages to

To chat with your customers over Google Business Messages, connect a Google Business Profile with a verified business location to

You must be the admin of the Google Business Profile to connect.

Step 1: Click Settings > Channels

Step 2: Click Add Channel > Google Business Messages > Connect

Step 3: Click Connect with Google

Log in with a Google Account that is linked to a Google Business Profile

Step 4: Under Business Profile, input your basic business information and contact details > click Next

You will need to provide the following information:



Agent Name

This should match your Google Business Profile Listing company name. The agent name will be shown in the Google Business Messaging chat application to your users.


valid URL with https://

Privacy Policy URL

valid URL with https://

Contact Name

Your or the representative’s name.

Email Address

Your or the representative’s email address.

Step 5: Under Conversation Profile, input additional information about your business > click Next

You will be asked to input the following information:




Your company’s logo that matches the logo on your Google My Business account, which will be displayed in the Google Chat as a 1024px diameter circle.

File size: Max 50KB. Make sure that your logo displays well as a circle.

Welcome Message

Your Business inbox welcome message to your customers.

Maximum length: 10,000 characters


Your business supported language.


Your business timezone.

Business Hours

Your business operation days and hours.

Step 6: From the Location List dropdown, select all the locations you have added in your Google Business Profile > click Complete

The system will start connecting your Google Business Messages account to A success message will be shown if the Channel is connected.

Turn off Google Chat in your Google Business Profile to ensure incoming messages are received on the platform rather than through Google Chat. Follow these steps.
Once you have completed the setup, any messages sent to you through Google Business Message will now be received in your Workspace.
Once the Channel is connected, scan the QR code to send a test message and make sure everything is working properly.

Launching Google Business Messages Channel

If you’ve launched your location before launching your agent, the agent will be automatically launched.

Before customers can communicate with your agent you must launch your Business Messages Channel. Follow the steps below to launch your Channel.

Step 1: From SettingsChannels

Step 2: Locate the Google Business Messages Channel > Manage > click the refresh icon next to Unavailable

Step 3: Click the Launch button to launch your page.

Managing Google Business Messages Locations

Here you can add, launch or unlaunch your Google Business Messages location.

Step 1: Click Settings > click Channels

Step 2: Locate your Google Business Messages Channel > Manage > click Locations

There are three possible statuses for added locations:

  • Verified: Once a location is verified and the location has not yet been launched.
  • Launched: This location has been successfully launched.
  • Unlaunched: This location has been successfully unlaunched.
If you Unlaunch your location, it removes the location and also makes the agent unavailable for messaging.

Channel Configuration

You can configure your Google Business Messages channel to have a unique channel name, a Welcome Message and also specify your business hours. Follow the steps below to configure your Google Business Messages channel.

Step 1: From the Settings Module > Channels

Step 2: Locate the Google Business Messages Channel > click Manage > Configuration

Step 3: In the Configure Google Business Messages page you will see the following configurations:

  • Chat Link - A click-to-chat link is a shortened URL that directs customers to start or continue a conversation with your Google Business Messages account. You can share this link to refer customers to a new or existing thread, based on whether the user has previously messaged your Google Business Messages account. You can also generate a QR code to share the chat link to your Contacts.
  • Channel Name - The Channel Name can be changed and is used internally to identify the Channel.
  • Privacy Policy URL - A URL that links to the privacy policy page of your business.
  • Welcome Message - A short welcome message that will be displayed to your customers.
The Agent ID, Agent Name, and Brand Name fields are non-editable. You must input these three pieces of information correctly when initially connecting the Channel. If you have added the wrong Agent ID or Name, you will have to delete the Channel and create a new one with the correct information

Step 4: Click Save Changes to update the Channel configuration.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Why does an error occur while writing a message using Quick Reply?

The Quick Reply feature only allows up to 25 characters. When your message exceeds the limit, an error from the channel is generated.

Why can’t I see the Message Button after launching Google Business Messages?

Google Business Messages only works on mobile devices and native Google applications. If you launch your Channel by clicking Launch Immediately, it may take up to 5 hours for Google to update the Google Search and Maps for the Message button to become visible. This launch time may also differ per device.

Is it possible to connect different Google Business profiles to a single account?

Yes, you can create multiple Channels connected to Google Business Messages; each can be connected to a different Google Business Profile. Additionally, you may connect different locations under your Google Business Profile.

Can I edit or change the Agent ID or Agent Name?

No, you cannot. All three fields of Agent ID, Agent Name, and Brand Name are non-editable. You must input these three pieces of information correctly when initially connecting the Channel. If you have added the wrong Agent ID or Name, you may delete the Channel and create a new one with the correct information.

Can I add and remove locations after connecting to the Channel?

Yes, you can add, launch, and unlaunch locations through the Channel Configuration tools.

How do I turn off Google Chat in my Google Business Profile?

Turn off your Google Chat to receive incoming messages on the platform instead of Google Chat.

  1. Access your Google Business Profile (search "my business"), click View Profile
  2. Click Messages from the menu
  3. Select Turn off chat in the top-right corner

Can I connect and launch a location that is verified or already connected to other platforms or workspaces?

You can connect to a verified location or one that is linked with other platforms or workspaces. However, launching is not possible if it is already active elsewhere. In such cases, an error message will be displayed. To proceed, you must manually unlaunch the location from its current active platform or workspace before attempting to launch it in the new environment.

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Google Business Messages Overview

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