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Organization Settings: Workspaces

JQ Lee Updated by JQ Lee

Getting Here

These settings are accessible only to Organization Admins, Billing Admins and User Admins of Business and Enterprise plans!

The Organization Settings for Workspaces can be accessed from the Settings menu > under Organization Settings > by selecting Workspaces.

Here, you can:

Workspaces Overview

Here, you can see the list of Workspaces in the Organization.

Workspaces Overview

Column Name


Workspace Name

The name used to identify the Workspace in the Organization.

No. of Users

The number of Users assigned to the Workspace.

Date Added

The date on which the Workspace was added.


Actions you can perform on the workspace. You can edit and delete workspaces.

Tip: Use the Search function at the top to quickly find the Workspace you are looking for.

Managing Workspaces

The following features are only available to Organization Admins and User Admins!
Billing Admins can only view workspaces and make no changes.

Adding a Workspace

On the Workspaces page, select the Add Workspace button. On the Add Workspace dialog, provide your workspace name and click Next.

A Workspace can only be added if the Workspace limit of the Organization's subscription has not exceeded the limit.

Invite other users to the workspace by providing their email address and selecting the access type. Using the Workspace Access field, you can determine the access level of this user, i.e., Owner, Manager or Agent.

Click Invite Users to send out the invite.

Editing the Workspace

Click three dots under the Actions column and select Edit from the menu. Edit your Workspace details, such as name and usage limit, and click Save.

If you have an Organization with the Reseller Partner Program, you can limit the number of Contacts in a Workspace. Enabling the contact limit option results in the Workspace not being able to receive messages from new Contacts once the Workspace has reached Contact limit.

Editing usage limit may not be available on all plans.

Deleting the Workspace

Click three dots under the Actions column and select Delete from the menu. Enter the Workspace name to confirm deletion and click Delete.

Once the Workspace is deleted, all Contacts, Channels, fields and associated data is also removed.

The delete action is permanent, and the lost data cannot be recovered later.

Deleting the Workspace

When a Workspace is no longer in use, it can be deleted by selecting Delete from the Actions menu.

Deleting workspace on

Doing so will permanently delete your Contacts, Channels, fields, and any other data associated with your Workspace.

Deleting your Workspace is a permanent action and will remove the data forever. This action is not reversible.
If you wish to keep any data or information, export it before deleting your Workspace.

Managing Multiple Workspaces

Accessing a Workspace

When you log in to the platform, you will be redirected to a Workspace dashboard by default. This is the last Workspace you interacted with.

If you do not have access to any Workspace, you will instead be redirected to modules you have access to. For example, the Admins, Billing Admins and User Admins will be directed to the organization settings. Members who do not have access to any Workspace will be directed to personal settings.

Switching between Workspaces

Users can be invited to multiple Workspaces and switch between Workspaces if necessary. To do so, navigate to the Workspace switcher at the side navigation menu.

All the Workspaces that you have access to will be listed along with the Organization.

You can also search for the intended Workspace by typing in the Workspace name.

Switching between SSO and Non-SSO Organization may require some additional steps. You can find more details here.

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Organization Settings: Users

Organization Settings: WhatsApp Fees

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