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Shing-Yi Tan Updated by Shing-Yi Tan

The Salesforce integration allows you to connect your Salesforce account with your workspace.

With this integration, you can:

  • View Salesforce contact fields like email, phone number, lead source, and more directly in
  • Reduce platform switching by accessing contact data inside the Inbox and Contacts modules.

What You’ll Need

  • Admin access in Salesforce.
  • Owner or Manager access in
  • API access to your Salesforce account.

Setting Up the Integration

Install the Salesforce Integration

  1. In your workspace, go to Workspace settings > Integrations.
  1. Find Salesforce and select Manage.
  1. Click Connect Salesforce.
  1. A new tab will open—sign in to your Salesforce account and authorize

  1. Once connected, you’ll see a confirmation message with your Salesforce account details.
Note: Each workspace can connect to only one Salesforce account.

Viewing Salesforce Contact Fields in

You can view Salesforce fields in both the Inbox and Contacts modules.

Inbox Module

  • Open a conversation in Inbox.
  • Click on a Contact to view their Salesforce fields in the right sidebar.

Contacts Module

  • Navigate to Contacts.
  • Select a Contact to view their Salesforce fields in the right sidebar.

For both Inbox and Contacts modules:

  • If a match is found, Salesforce fields will appear automatically.
  • If no match is found, verify that the contact’s email or phone number matches exactly between and Salesforce.
  • You can click View in Salesforce to open the full profile in Salesforce.
Note: Salesforce fields in are read-only. To edit, update them directly in Salesforce.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Can I connect multiple Salesforce accounts?

No, each workspace can only connect to one Salesforce account.

Can I edit Salesforce data in

No, Salesforce contact fields are read-only in Edit them directly in Salesforce.

We currently integrate only with the Salesforce Contact Object. The Lead Object is not supported.

Why am I not seeing recent edits from Salesforce in my workspace?

Contact information is cached for 1 minute to limit excessive API requests and reduce the chances of reaching Salesforce’s API rate limit.

During that minute, any direct edits to a Contact in Salesforce will not immediately appear in After 1 minute, you can refresh the page to display the latest information.

Why can’t I view my Salesforce contact fields in

If you can’t view your Salesforce contact fields in our Inbox or Contacts module, check that their email or phone number in exactly match those in Salesforce. Even minor differences, such as spaces or special characters, can prevent fields from being displayed.

For example, if a phone number is stored as “12 3” in Salesforce but as “123” in, that Contact’s information won’t be displayed in To fix this, update the contact property in Salesforce to match the format used in

Is the Salesforce integration supported on all pricing plans?

Yes, the integration is available for all our pricing plans during the Beta period. Access may be limited to certain/higher plans once Beta ends.

What happens if I update a contact’s email or phone number in Salesforce?

  • If a match is found, the contact’s properties will be displayed.
  • If no match is found, ensure that the email or phone number in exactly matches Salesforce.

What happens if a contact is missing from

  • Ensure the email or phone number exists in Salesforce.
  • Changes in Salesforce may take a few minutes to reflect in due to caching.

Why am I seeing a ‘Salesforce API access required’ error?

  • Your Salesforce account must have API access to use the integration.
  • Contact your Salesforce admin to enable API permissions.

Can I connect multiple workspaces to the same Salesforce account?

Yes, multiple workspaces can connect to the same Salesforce account.

What happens if I disconnect Salesforce?

  • Your workspace will lose access to Salesforce contact fields.
  • You can reconnect anytime by following the installation steps.

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