
Dashboard & Reporting

Get an overview of all platform activity in the Dashboard. Use Reports to analyze these activities in detail.

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11 articles by 1 author


View your messaging history and manage conversations and inboxes.

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5 articles by 2 authors


Learn how to add and manage Contact details and activities on the platform.

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5 articles by 1 author

Broadcasts Module

Learn about the Broadcasts feature including fields, views and message limits.

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2 articles by 1 author


Use Workflows to automate and streamline processes on the platform.

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20 articles by 3 authors

Dynamic Variables

Use Dynamic Variables across the platform to personalize messages, gain information from Workflows and more.

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2 articles by 1 author

Workspace Settings

Get a detailed guide to all the features and settings in a Workspace.

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16 articles by 4 authors

Organization Settings

Manage your Organization's information and its billing information here.

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7 articles by 2 authors

User Account

Learn how to manage your profile, activity status, notifications, and login details on the platform.

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4 articles by 1 author

Mobile App

Learn all about how to install and use the mobile app.

Help Menu

Learn how to use the Help and Resource Centers.

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7 articles by 1 author

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