Dashboard & Reporting


A summary of workforce performance and important key metrics across your Workspace.

Susan Swier
Updated 2 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports Overview

Use reports to get insights on workforce performance on the platform.

Susan Swier
Updated 8 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports: Conversations

The Conversations reports tab consists of all the metrics and information related to conversations.

Susan Swier
Updated 2 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports: Responses

View the response rate of conversations so you know if your Contacts’ inquiries are being attended to in a timely manner.

Updated 2 months ago

Reports: Resolutions

View the resolution rate of conversations so you know if your customers’ inquiries are being resolved in a timely manner.

Updated 2 months ago

Reports: Messages

The messages reports tab consists of all the metrics and information related to messages.

Susan Swier
Updated 3 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports: Contacts

The Contacts reports tab consists of all the metrics and information related to Contacts.

Susan Swier
Updated 3 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports: Assignments

View the Contact assignment activity on the platform.

Updated 9 months ago

Reports: Leaderboard

Instantly identify and analyze top performing users and teams in the Workspace.

Updated 1 year ago

Reports: Users

The Users reports tab consists of all the metrics and information related to Users.

Susan Swier
Updated 3 months ago by Susan Swier

Reports: Broadcasts

View the delivery rates of broadcasts to gain insights into the performance and delivery data of the broadcasts.

Updated 3 months ago

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