Table of Contents


Susan Swier Updated by Susan Swier

Getting here

This module is accessible by Owners and Managers only!

When you log in to the platform, you will be greeted with the Dashboard screen by default. You can also access this module via the side navigation menu.

screenshot of main dashboard in

From the Dashboard, you will be presented with a variety of widgets to help you monitor your workforce and provide a comprehensive snapshot of what is happening in your Workspace.

Dashboard Widgets

There are 5 widgets in the Dashboard and each has a different purpose:-

  1. Contacts
  2. Team Members
  3. Conversations
  4. Merge Suggestions
  5. Upcoming Broadcasts


This widget will list all Contacts with an open conversation. Each Contact will show the display avatar, name, last message sent/received, duration since the conversation was opened and Contact assignee if available. This list is sorted by conversation duration, from longest to shortest.

gif showing contacts widget on the dashboard
Clicking on the Contact's record will navigate you to the Inbox Module with the selected Contact's chat history and details.

Team Members

This widget lists all the Users in the Workspace. Each user row will show the User's avatar, name, status, Team and assigned Contacts. The team and status filters can be applied to drill down to a group of Users.

screenshot of team members dashboard widget
The team filter will not be shown if there are no teams within the Workspace.


This widget reports on the number of opened and closed conversations based on the selected time range. From the top right corner, you can select different time ranges such as Today, Yesterday, Last 14 days and Last 30 days.

screenshot of conversations dashboard widget

Merge Suggestions

This widget lists all the merge suggestions based on the Contact's email address or phone number. The User can choose to merge or dismiss the suggestion. If a User dismisses the suggestion, it will not be shown in this widget again but can be found in the contact details drawer.

screenshot of merge suggestions dashboard widget

Upcoming Broadcasts

This widget lists all the upcoming broadcasts that were scheduled in advance. Each broadcast row will show the broadcast's name, channel, scheduled date and time. This list is sorted by earliest to latest scheduled time.

screenshot of upcoming broadcasts dashboard widget

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