Quick Start

What is respond.io?

Get a brief introduction to the respond.io platform.

Susan Swier
Updated 8 months ago by Susan Swier

Setting Up an Account

Follow this quick guide to register and set up a respond.io account on the platform and mobile app.

Susan Swier
Updated 1 month ago by Susan Swier

Connecting Channels

Learn how to connect a messaging Channel to start chatting with your Contacts through the platform.

Susan Swier
Updated 9 months ago by Susan Swier

Inviting Your Teammates

Invite teammates as Users to the platform to collaborate with them.

Susan Swier
Updated 1 year ago by Susan Swier

Getting Contacts to Message You

Encourage Contacts to message your business via QR codes and chat links.

Susan Swier
Updated 1 year ago by Susan Swier

Automated Welcome and Away Messages

Set up automated welcome and away messages to respond to Contacts immediately using Workflow Templates.

Joshua Lim
Updated 1 year ago by Joshua Lim

Responding to Messages

Here are some quick tips on how to respond to Contacts in a more efficient and productive manner.

Susan Swier
Updated 1 month ago by Susan Swier

Glossary of Terms

To help users better understand the platform, here are the definitions of commonly used terms.

Susan Swier
Updated 1 month ago by Susan Swier

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