Step: AI Agent

Learn about the configuration, best practices and use cases when implementing the AI Agent.

How to Route Contacts to Preferred AI Agent

Learn to automatically ask incoming Contacts if they want to talk to a Sales or a Support AI Agent and divert the Contact to the AI Agent of their choice.

How to Maximize Customer Service Potential with AI Agent

Learn to use AI Agent to engage with customers instantly by providing quick responses to low-level conversations involving basic product information, policies, etc.

Workspace Setting: Respond AI

Learn about Respond AI prompts and settings.

How to Write the Best Knowledge Sources for AI Agents

Learn how to compose the most effective Knowledge Sources for your AI Agents.

How to Automatically Qualify Contacts Based on Budget Using AI Agent

Learn how to automatically qualify Contacts based on whether they have the budget for your service using AI Agent.

How to Automate Contact Information Collection with AI

In this article, you’ll discover how to automatically collect Contact information i.e., email address or phone number, using AI Agent.

How to Write an Optimal AI Persona (Best Practices)

Learn how to write a good AI Persona that helps you align your AI Agent with your brand voice.

Workflow Steps Overview

Learn about the fundamental configurations of a Workflow Step and discover all the available Steps in a Workflow.

How to Route Contacts from CTC Ads to Agents

Learn to automatically assign contacts coming from Click-to-Chat Ads to Agents.

Workflows Overview

Learn how to view, set up and manage Workflows automation.

How to Supervise Sales Agents

Supervise and manage sales agents on the platform.

How to Supervise Your Support Agents

Allow managers to identify issues on a daily basis and task agents to solve the issues.

How to Promptly Transfer Conversation Between Agents

Automate the reassigning of conversation if the initial agent does not respond within a specified period.

Assignment Strategy: How to Unassign Agents after Conversations Closed

Automatically unassign Contacts from agents when conversations are closed using Workflow Templates.

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